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Carlisle Classifieds - Buy and Sell
Buy and sell items in Carlisle. Browse our free Carlisle classified adverts and pick up a bargain. Our adverts are updated by individual sellers local to Carlisle and are completely free. We have combined our ads with those from eBay so you'll be sure to find items nearest you.
London Airport Minicab London Airport Taxi Airport cab service
London Airport minicab, taxi and cab service. Cheap airport taxis London airport pickups minicab. British Airport minicab, Airport Transfer minicab Airport Taxi. Airport Extra can provide a very reliable and...
Wanted : Negotiable
Fiat Punto
I am selling my 1.2 Punto, it has...alloys, cd player, power steering, black, MOT till June, lady owner, tax till end of Feb, perfect runner, sensor gone on dash but passed MOT its optional to get fixed, 107,000miles...
For Sale : £675
Pine Chest of Drawers
For sale due to house move, large, solid pine chest of drawers, 3 large, deep lower drawers and 2 smaller, deep top drawers. good condition, height of drawers is 93cm width 89cm depth 45 cm. £60 ono. Item cost £120 new....
For Sale : £60